
May 26, 2020
Reaction score
I'm going through everything in this thread, so don't get pissy if it's obvious to you.

==Chapter 1==
If you are on Windows make a bootable USB media with Rufus, if on Linux do it with unetbootin by first downloading an ISO.
Get an ISO of Debian here for the first step of freedom from tyranny.

If the USB stick is not recognized or booted into, then hit any key like "del" or whatever to get into BIOS setup menu.
Then change the boot priority to choose the USB stick to boot into the Debian installation stick.

Let the installation handle the partitioning automatically and use up the whole drive, preferably when you have nothing to lose in that drive.
Pick your localization options whatever you need, the same goes for the keyboard layout. If they're not found then don't worry, you can settle that
later. For the desktop environment I recommend picking XFCE or KDE, pick Gnome only if you're a masochist. The most important of all, now's the
time to setup your user and root passwords.

When you see your desktop for the first time, the most important step is to initiate your user account as a sudoer.
First type "su" to login as a root with the root password. Then access /etc/sudoers file with "vi /etc/sudoers/.
Here's a manual to vi or here. Wrap your head around that retarded nonsense then add "yourusername ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" to the file.
The keybinds are fucktarded by nowadays standards, there are separate modes for command and insert, suffer through it.

If there's a reference to "cd-rom" whatever the fuck when running apt, then edit your "etc/apt/sources.list" with a word processor (kwrite, mousepad, geany) of your liking with sudo.
Mine looks like this, so feel free to just copy n paste after opening a text editor with sudo from the terminal emulator.

deb bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

deb bookworm-security main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm-security main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

deb bookworm-updates main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm-updates main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

==Chapter 2==
Once you've pushed through you're pretty much done with the difficult part and now comes the fun stuff. Learn to use "dpkg" packet management with
a few simple commands to help yourself through. (remove the quotes an add a name of an app or a word to search).

-sudo apt-get install "application"
-sudo apt-get purge "application_you_want_to_remove"
-sudo apt-cache search "keyword_for_searching_the_repository_for_whatever"
-sudo apt-cache policy "application_that_you_want_to_check_if_it_has_been_installed_or_what_the_current_version_you_are_rocking_is"
-sudo apt-get update (updates your list from the /etc/apt/sources.list with the most recent packages available)
-sudo apt-get upgrade (upgrades your programs with the newer versions that the newest update points to, so do after running "sudo apt-get update")

don't forget to
-sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
because I know you're an old fuck who wants to run old software, then run
-sudo apt-get update

==Chapter 3==
If you pulled yourself through, you've pretty much made it. Now you can get to enjoy the benefits of having the freedom to do what you want with your shit computer.
Get accustomed with the terminal emulator. When pressing CTRL + C, you can close a program you are running from TE. If you press CTRL + D you can close the TE window.
It's called a terminal emulator, because it's Unix and it's supposed to be emulating the dinosaur days of the 70's terminals with its terminal emulators.

If you are running an Nvidia card, it's recommended to try installing "nvidia-driver" from the repository itself with a command instead of downloading it from their site.
AMD video card drivers are integrated with the Linux kernel itself if I'm not mistaken. No matter if you have problem with audio or not, installing pavucontrol is one step
I recommend for everyone. If there's no audio then keep adjusting shit with that and you should hear the sweet sound soon again.

==Chapter 4==
The home folder is now your new home. Adjust your file manager to show hidden folders, they start with dot, like .folder.
If you open a terminal emulator and type "cd --" it will take you to home folder, whereas "cd .." will take you of course to an upper folder.

Pretty much every program you install has manual pages, that can be invoked with -man "program" and every program takes flags in the form of single letters after "-" character or
names of files or whatever as arguments.

Get used to bash, there are many examples how you can automate things with bash. Like if you want to make things happen every hour or day, whatever there's this
thing called "cron job". You can google what you want about it and get to it. You can mass rename and mass re-edit things more easily with a one single command. Mass download
4chan threads or pictures with wget / curl scripts, or even sites and clone them for monetary gain.

When you run executables, or download them from sketchy sources but still want to run them run "sudo chmod +x" to make a file executable.
These are typically "AppImages" or files ending with the ".sh" suffix. The aforementioned command just makes them executable in your fancy system of access control.
You can easily make ".sh" files as well, whenever you want to run any just type "./" in terminal emulator to do so, after applying the "sudo chmod +x".
If there's a statement about not having rights to edit or access a folder or file, then get comfy with the "chown" command.

If you have mountable media then press into your head the notion of how to properly mount things. For that "sudo /dev/sdb1" (or whatever is the case for the partition you want to mount is) and the directory you want to mount it in. This typically being well placed in /media/user/directory. For example I would use:
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/user/partition1/ [This is in case it's not mounted by the file manager by default.]

Get accustomed with TTY, this is your best friend if you've ran a fullscreen program locking you out of closing it. You can just easily press CTRL+ALT+FKEY and cycle between sessions with F-keys.
Don't get startled keep cycling through them and you will find your active session going through them. You can login as your user, type "htop" or install it to kill a program that is difficult to kill fullscreen. Not to mention you can run multiple sessions simultaneously that you can switch between with the powerful command of CTRL+ALT+Function Key. If you want a new desktop session just type "sudo startx" after logging in.

There's much more to it, but with these you'll get along just nice. Much better than being a Windows cuck and instead of becoming a vegan, why not give Linux a try?



Posts Child Porn
Jul 17, 2021
Reaction score
I'm going through everything in this thread, so don't get pissy if it's obvious to you.

==Chapter 1==
If you are on Windows make a bootable USB media with Rufus, if on Linux do it with unetbootin by first downloading an ISO.
Get an ISO of Debian here for the first step of freedom from tyranny.

If the USB stick is not recognized or booted into, then hit any key like "del" or whatever to get into BIOS setup menu.
Then change the boot priority to choose the USB stick to boot into the Debian installation stick.

Let the installation handle the partitioning automatically and use up the whole drive, preferably when you have nothing to lose in that drive.
Pick your localization options whatever you need, the same goes for the keyboard layout. If they're not found then don't worry, you can settle that
later. For the desktop environment I recommend picking XFCE or KDE, pick Gnome only if you're a masochist. The most important of all, now's the
time to setup your user and root passwords.

When you see your desktop for the first time, the most important step is to initiate your user account as a sudoer.
First type "su" to login as a root with the root password. Then access /etc/sudoers file with "vi /etc/sudoers/.
Here's a manual to vi or here. Wrap your head around that retarded nonsense then add "yourusername ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" to the file.
The keybinds are fucktarded by nowadays standards, there are separate modes for command and insert, suffer through it.

If there's a reference to "cd-rom" whatever the fuck when running apt, then edit your "etc/apt/sources.list" with a word processor (kwrite, mousepad, geany) of your liking with sudo.
Mine looks like this, so feel free to just copy n paste after opening a text editor with sudo from the terminal emulator.

deb bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

deb bookworm-security main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm-security main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

deb bookworm-updates main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm-updates main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

==Chapter 2==
Once you've pushed through you're pretty much done with the difficult part and now comes the fun stuff. Learn to use "dpkg" packet management with
a few simple commands to help yourself through. (remove the quotes an add a name of an app or a word to search).

-sudo apt-get install "application"
-sudo apt-get purge "application_you_want_to_remove"
-sudo apt-cache search "keyword_for_searching_the_repository_for_whatever"
-sudo apt-cache policy "application_that_you_want_to_check_if_it_has_been_installed_or_what_the_current_version_you_are_rocking_is"
-sudo apt-get update (updates your list from the /etc/apt/sources.list with the most recent packages available)
-sudo apt-get upgrade (upgrades your programs with the newer versions that the newest update points to, so do after running "sudo apt-get update")

don't forget to
-sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
because I know you're an old fuck who wants to run old software, then run
-sudo apt-get update

==Chapter 3==
If you pulled yourself through, you've pretty much made it. Now you can get to enjoy the benefits of having the freedom to do what you want with your shit computer.
Get accustomed with the terminal emulator. When pressing CTRL + C, you can close a program you are running from TE. If you press CTRL + D you can close the TE window.
It's called a terminal emulator, because it's Unix and it's supposed to be emulating the dinosaur days of the 70's terminals with its terminal emulators.

If you are running an Nvidia card, it's recommended to try installing "nvidia-driver" from the repository itself with a command instead of downloading it from their site.
AMD video card drivers are integrated with the Linux kernel itself if I'm not mistaken. No matter if you have problem with audio or not, installing pavucontrol is one step
I recommend for everyone. If there's no audio then keep adjusting shit with that and you should hear the sweet sound soon again.

==Chapter 4==
The home folder is now your new home. Adjust your file manager to show hidden folders, they start with dot, like .folder.
If you open a terminal emulator and type "cd --" it will take you to home folder, whereas "cd .." will take you of course to an upper folder.

Pretty much every program you install has manual pages, that can be invoked with -man "program" and every program takes flags in the form of single letters after "-" character or
names of files or whatever as arguments.

Get used to bash, there are many examples how you can automate things with bash. Like if you want to make things happen every hour or day, whatever there's this
thing called "cron job". You can google what you want about it and get to it. You can mass rename and mass re-edit things more easily with a one single command. Mass download
4chan threads or pictures with wget / curl scripts, or even sites and clone them for monetary gain.

When you run executables, or download them from sketchy sources but still want to run them run "sudo chmod +x" to make a file executable.
These are typically "AppImages" or files ending with the ".sh" suffix. The aforementioned command just makes them executable in your fancy system of access control.
You can easily make ".sh" files as well, whenever you want to run any just type "./" in terminal emulator to do so, after applying the "sudo chmod +x".
If there's a statement about not having rights to edit or access a folder or file, then get comfy with the "chown" command.

If you have mountable media then press into your head the notion of how to properly mount things. For that "sudo /dev/sdb1" (or whatever is the case for the partition you want to mount is) and the directory you want to mount it in. This typically being well placed in /media/user/directory. For example I would use:
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/user/partition1/ [This is in case it's not mounted by the file manager by default.]

Get accustomed with TTY, this is your best friend if you've ran a fullscreen program locking you out of closing it. You can just easily press CTRL+ALT+FKEY and cycle between sessions with F-keys.
Don't get startled keep cycling through them and you will find your active session going through them. You can login as your user, type "htop" or install it to kill a program that is difficult to kill fullscreen. Not to mention you can run multiple sessions simultaneously that you can switch between with the powerful command of CTRL+ALT+Function Key. If you want a new desktop session just type "sudo startx" after logging in.

There's much more to it, but with these you'll get along just nice. Much better than being a Windows cuck and instead of becoming a vegan, why not give Linux a try?

View attachment 87906
(Apple fanboyism from Quence incoming)


Nov 6, 2023
Reaction score
Do it, Fat Boy. You know that a Mac is the best of breed in the pc world.
-Don't support shit
-Cost way too much (1000 for a stand, srsly?)
-Have worse specs than most PCs (DURRRR 8 GB OF RAM IS ANALOGOUS TO 16GB DURRRRRR)
-Has no bloatware, so your PC can actually run decently
-Has support for a shit ton of games
-Lets you modify everything to your liking
-Has tons of versions, many of which are easy to set up
-Has a huge community of devs making all kinds of software for it, plus pretty much every linux program is free
TL;DR: KYS Macfag, Linux is better lol


Gay man
May 13, 2020
Reaction score
-Don't support shit
-Cost way too much (1000 for a stand, srsly?)
-Have worse specs than most PCs (DURRRR 8 GB OF RAM IS ANALOGOUS TO 16GB DURRRRRR)
-Has no bloatware, so your PC can actually run decently
-Has support for a shit ton of games
-Lets you modify everything to your liking
-Has tons of versions, many of which are easy to set up
-Has a huge community of devs making all kinds of software for it, plus pretty much every linux program is free
TL;DR: KYS Macfag, Linux is better lol
Linux is strictly for linux fags who enjoy constantly tinkering with their OS to the point that it becomes a second job.

But I only spend 38 hours per week making my sweet linux OS just righhht!


May 26, 2020
Reaction score
Linux is strictly for linux fags who enjoy constantly tinkering with their OS to the point that it becomes a second job.

But I only spend 38 hours per week making my sweet linux OS just righhht!
I think the most tinkering there'll be is just setting the desktop environment and window manager to your preferences.
It's not the same shit like OpenSuse or Ubuntu from 00's that shipped with pc magazines, where you would have to burn a second cd for drivers.

here goes:
==Chapter 5==

For the most important shit and that is games. Install wine and wine32.

It's easiest to get Steam.
First download every single version of Proton by selecting "properties" > "force the use of compatibility tool..." > select the version and it'll be downloaded.
Old games seem to prefer the version 3.16-9, so always try that first. With newer games try the newest version ofc.
Every game runs inside their own prefix, with separate copies of Windows folders. Install protontricks preferably from the repository with terminal emulator.
Then if you want to apply patches or fixes from .exe files into the game, you can run them in the TE or there's already a handy addition in your context menu.

I'm unsure of how Epic Game Store works in Linux. There's Lutris which can be a bit convoluted, but it seems it's reportedly working so with a guide you'll manage.

For pirating I prefer PlayOnLinux and then checking their database for how they're supposed to be set up, because you need to install specific components into the wine sandbox. Some of them are able to run with the wine of your system if you have enough shit installed. Whatever you do, never sudo wine.
Running all the dodgy games you've pirated inside a wine prefix ought to make the system more secure, because once you kill it the bad stuff won't have a leg to stand on.


Gay man
May 13, 2020
Reaction score
I think the most tinkering there'll be is just setting the desktop environment and window manager to your preferences.
It's not the same shit like OpenSuse or Ubuntu from 00's that shipped with pc magazines, where you would have to burn a second cd for drivers.

here goes:
==Chapter 5==

For the most important shit and that is games. Install wine and wine32.

It's easiest to get Steam.
First download every single version of Proton by selecting "properties" > "force the use of compatibility tool..." > select the version and it'll be downloaded.
Old games seem to prefer the version 3.16-9, so always try that first. With newer games try the newest version ofc.
Every game runs inside their own prefix, with separate copies of Windows folders. Install protontricks preferably from the repository with terminal emulator.
Then if you want to apply patches or fixes from .exe files into the game, you can run them in the TE or there's already a handy addition in your context menu.
View attachment 88306

I'm unsure of how Epic Game Store works in Linux. There's Lutris which can be a bit convoluted, but it seems it's reportedly working so with a guide you'll manage.

For pirating I prefer PlayOnLinux and then checking their database for how they're supposed to be set up, because you need to install specific components into the wine sandbox. Some of them are able to run with the wine of your system if you have enough shit installed. Whatever you do, never sudo wine.
Running all the dodgy games you've pirated inside a wine prefix ought to make the system more secure, because once you kill it the bad stuff won't have a leg to stand on.
Aaaaaannnnd my point is made crystal clear by the above post.


Apr 9, 2022
Reaction score
ok good linux thread

buy a mac
install macports
now you have linux but good


May 26, 2020
Reaction score
==Blog 1: mischievous Nvidia driver returns==
There's an obsolete nvidia-driver in Debian repo, so for some cards even low end but new, you might need to install the drivers from Nvidia's support site.
When you try to run it after applying the chmod +x treatment to it, it will complain about conflicting modules yadayada being loaded.

For this you should open another session with tty "ctrl+alt+Fkey", kill xorg and all the desktop manager shit. For conflicting programs
that are not modules try htop in TE. Find the desktop managers to kill with "pgrep dm -l".

These two should work for many, but you can just shut down services and programs as you like.
sudo service sddm stop
sudo service lightdm stop

==cleanup of a previous install==
If you have a previous driver then run:
sudo apt purge "*nvidia*".
But if it's a driver from the Nvidia's site and not the repo, then run:
sudo nvidia-uninstall.

I had to resort to trying different linux images, all of those need an init loaded into grub.
On a side note If you install anything and it doesn't run the "generating initramfs" for proper, you should address it immediately so you don't have
to go fixing it from outside the system, happened to me once long ago.

When fucking around with many linux images then:
sudo update-grub is your friend
You can have as many installed as you like all with a different init. Check your shit with this generally useful command:
dpkg --list | grep linux*

There could be problems with Wayland, so X11 is probably a better option. Check with:

To conclude, it seems like AMD has it always easier but the problems on the Nvidia's side end up being fixed eventually.


I am a pedophile
Mar 2, 2023
Reaction score
what about linux mint Debian edition its designed for windows users migrating from windows to linux


Jul 19, 2023
Reaction score
just use opensuse tumbleweed, very up to date and easy to use
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